The Enchanted Rock – Battle with the Dark Side

The sun was shining and the wind was blowing in the late afternoon.  Michael and George were walking home from school in early March.  Michael and George were talking about their day at school.  When they were almost home Michael spotted a rock and walked to it.  “Where are you going?” asked George.   “I saw a rock and I want to bring it home.” said Michael.  As he bent down and picked up the rock, Michael and George instantly transported to an unfamiliar place.  “Where are we?” asked Michael.  “I think we are at Disneyland.” said George.   “Yeah, I think you’re right because I see a Disneyland gift shop.” said Michael.  Michael and George have been to Disneyland many times and they have been on all the rides and watched all the shows, except the Star Wars Galaxy Edge.  “Since we haven’t been to the Star Wars Galaxy Edge, do you want to go there.” said George.  “Sure!” said Michael. They first got a map and walked quickly to the Galaxy Edge.  When they got their Michael asked if George wanted to go on the Millennium Falcon.  “Yes, that would be such a cool ride to go on!” said George. They got tickets to go on the Millennium Falcon and they had to wait in a long line.  While they were waiting they noticed how big the ship was and Michael said, “Wow this ship is so big!”  A worker guided them to where they would sit. “Do you want to fly or fire the blaster?” said Michael.  “I want to fire the blaster!” said George excitedly.  They got in their seats and strapped on their seatbelt.  They anxiously waited in their seats for the ship to take off.  The ship started to shake and rumble powerfully.  In a few seconds afterward, the ship blasted off as fast as the speed of light.  The ride entered an asteroid field.  Michael guided the spacecraft without colliding with the asteroids.  As they flew away from the asteroid field, Michael pulled a lever and the spacecraft went into hyperspace.   “What was that?” George asked excitedly.  “I don’t know, but I think we went into hyperspace.” said Michael.  Appearing out of nowhere, the Death Star came into view at the front of the spaceship.  “Look at the size of that thing.”   exclaimed Michael.   Suddenly, a blaster ray flew by them just barely missing their spacecraft.  “That was close!” shouted George.  “Watch out for those Tie-Fighters coming at us.”  George started to fire his blaster at the Tie-Fighters, while Michael flew the spacecraft, dodging the blaster ray coming at them.  Michael briskly flew the Millennium Falcon towards the Death Star and George started attacking the giant space station with his blasters. KABOOM!  The Death Star blew up in a million pieces.  Michael quickly pulled up on the throttle and maneuvered the spacecraft away from the blast field.  The spacecraft automatically went into hyperspace and then landed on the ground at the end of the ride. “Wow! That was such a cool ride.” said Michael.  “Yeah! That was such an amazing ride.” said George.  As Michael climbed off the spaceship, a rock fell out of his jacket pocket and landed right next to his foot.  Without thinking George bent down and picked up the rock.  Then instantly they appeared at the same spot where they had first found the rock.  “What happened? Was that a dream?” said George. “I don’t think so.  I think this rock is enchanted.” said Michael.  “Look, there is a small Luke Skywalker mini-figure next to the rock.” said George as he pointed to the rock.  Michael and George stared at each other with a puzzled look.

Please let me know in the comments below if you like reading my adventure story.  If you do, I would love to write more adventures about Michael and George and their enchanted rock.


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