Little League

I recently joined the Seazon Sports baseball little league.  This is my first time playing in a baseball league.  In this league, there are 3 different age groups. The youngest players are in the Rookies, middle age players are in the Minors, and the oldest players are in the Majors.  I am in the Minors because I am 8 years old.  I like how they made different age groups because it will be unfair if the little kids will have to play against the older kids.   There are four teams in the Minors and they are the White Sox, Angles, Rockies, and the Mets.  I like how there are only 4 teams because the little league last for 6 weeks and we get to play against the other teams 2 times.   I am on the Mets team. We get to wear real baseball jerseys.  I like wearing baseball jerseys because you get to look like a real baseball player and you get to choose what size you want.   We also have to wear baseball cleats.  This is my first time wearing baseball cleats and they feel heavier than regular shoes and they also make a lot of SCRITCH SCRITCH SCRITCH sounds when you walk. There are 7 to 8 players on each team.  First we practice for 30 minutes and then we play a game for 1 hour. During the practice the coach teaches us how to stretch and warm up our muscles.  It is important because it helps you from injuries.  We also practice hitting, throwing and catching the ball.    I like the practices because when you play a game you are already warmed up and ready to play. In each game, we play offense and defense. I like playing defense because you get to play different positions.  My favorite position is shortstop because a lot of the balls come my way.  I hope to be as good as Pee Wee Reese some day.  I like playing offense because I get to hit the ball as hard as I can and hope it is a home run.  After each game, a player’s parent brings snacks and drinks for all of us. I really enjoy the snacks and drinks because after each game I am a very hungry and thirsty.  When you play in a baseball league, not only do you learn the rules of playing baseball, but you also make new friends. We learn how each position works together as a team.  You get a lot of exercise because you’re always running around the bases or chasing after the balls.  As you can see, I am really glad I joined the Seazon Sports baseball league.

Let me know if you are in a baseball league too and what is your favorite position.

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