In-Person or Distance Learning?

The COVID-19 pandemic has been with us for almost 2 years now and it has created a lot of changes for me.  The first year, with many places in shutdown, our school had remote learning through Zoom.  Now with the COVID-19 vaccine available for most people and places are opening up again, our school is back to in-person learning.  Having experienced both remote and in-person learning, unquestionably, I think in-person learning is better.  To begin, you will be together with your friends.  For instance, when I was in distance learning I felt very lonely.  Next, if you are in distance learning then you will be staring at the screen too long.  If you stare at the screen too long it is bad for your eyes.  In addition, at my school I get more time for recess for in-person learning than distance learning.  When I took distance learning my break was only 15 minutes and my lunch break was only 30 minutes.  When I take in-person learning I get 20 minutes for my break and 45 minutes during my lunch break.  I also like in-person learning  because when I am at school there are tetherball courts, grass area, playground and basketball courts which is more fun than at home.  I only have one reason why I don’t like in-person learning and that is the bathrooms.  The bathrooms have dirty floors and the paper towels are all over the place.  When I picked distance learning I got to eat my favorite lunches at home like pizza and more yummy food.  But when I am at school I get something easy to eat like fish sticks.   For distance learning you could have bad internet connection when your teacher is telling you something important and you will miss it.  As you can see, there are many reasons why I like in-person learning more than distance learning.


Can you please write in the comments below if you like in-person learning or distance learning and why?  If you like reading opinion pieces let me know and I will write more.


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