Hammerhead Shark

Hammerhead Shark Carrying A Hammer

Did you know that most sharks have good eye sight?  The hammerhead shark has the best eye sight of all.  To begin, hammerhead sharks live in all the continents except Antarctica and Europe.  The color of this shark is gray-brown to olive green.  The hammerhead shark has a head that is shaped like a hammer.  They also have triangular teeth and eyes that are located on the side of their head.  Next, this animal eats stingrays, octopus, and other sharks.  The hammerhead shark pins its prey to the ground and uses it triangular teeth to rip its prey apart.  Also, some predators of the hammerhead shark are tiger sharks, great white sharks, and killer whales.  A hammerhead shark can live for twenty to thirty years but because it only breeds every two years their numbers are dropping down.  This shark is endangered because people catch it and cut their fins to make fin soup.  Then, they throw the shark back into the water and without its fins it dies.  If you are ever swimming in the ocean you should watch out for these sharks because they have very good eyesight and can attack you.


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