Flightless Birds

Family of Emperor Penguins

Have you ever seen a bird that can’t fly but can swim?  Is that animal diving off snow and ice?  If it is, then it is probably a penguin.   First, penguins can be found in the freezing continent of Antarctica. There are many types of penguins like Adelies, Chinstrap, Gentoo, Macarroni, and Emperor.  A cool fact about the Gentoo penguins is that it is the fastest penguin that can swim it can swim about 36km.   An amazing fact about the Macaroni is that they can hop as well as they waddle.  A mind-blowing fact about the Adlies penguin is that they are very cute but they are also feisty they can take down some of their predators like seals or large birds.  An amazing fact about the Chinstrap is that they can swim down into the ocean more than 148 feet.  A shocking fact about the Emperor is that they don’t build nets for their chick.  Most penguins are about 3 feet tall but the tallest penguin is the Emperor penguin.  Emperor penguins can grow to 4 -5 feet tall.    Usually penguins are black on their back and their white on their stomach.    Also, did you know that penguins don’t have teeth?  Well they don’t instead of teeth they have backward spines that are inside their mouth.  Do you wonder why penguins have feathers?  Well their feathers are used for to trap air inside their feathers to keep them warm.  Penguins also have oil on their feathers.  The oil is used for to help them become waterproof and windproof by rubbing oil on their feathers.  Penguins have pointed tails for steering and have heavy bones to stay under water for a very long time.  Also, penguins gather in rookery which is where penguins spend time trying to find a mate.  Rookery can have over 100,000 penguins.  During the winter male penguins try to find a female penguin so they can take birth to a chick which is a baby penguin.  Once the female laid one egg they passed it to the male.  After that, the females swim into the sea to eat.  Penguins love to eat krill, squids, and fish.  Some of the penguin’s predators are Leopard seals, Killer whales and large birds.  Last, the female comes back in august to see the chick hatch.  After, they hatch they feed it and build a nest for it.  You may not be able to go to Antarctica but you can go to the zoo and learn a lot about penguins.  Don’t forget to bring your camera to take pictures and videos of these amazing penguins and their habitat.  Please share with me any interesting facts you know about these remarkable birds.


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