Fierce Honey Badger




Honey badgers live in a lot of different places. Honey badgers can be found in countries such as Saudi Arabia, Iran and West Asia. Honey badgers sometimes come to the city. but mostly they stay hidden. In the U.S, honey badgers live mostly in the Great Plains.


What do Honey Badgers eat?


Honey badgers are also known as ratels.  They are related to skunks, otters, ferrets, and other badgers.  These omnivores get their name by feeding on honey and honey bees.  They also eat insects, amphibians, reptiles, birds, and mammals as well as roots, bulbs, berries, and fruit.


How strong are they?


Honey badgers are very tough animals. Their skin is very strong and it can be arrow or spear proof. Honey badgers are sometimes considered the strongest animals because they do not think before they attack animals bigger than themselves such as lions. For example, if a lion is bothering a honey badger, the honey badger will attack the lion and even if the lion eventually wins the fight the lion will still be wounded and hurt.


Honey badger and honeyguide


First, the honey badger and the honeyguide is a symbiotic relationship.  The honey guide can locate honey in a bees nest but it is unable to get the honey itself.  So it guides the honey badger to the nest.  The honey badger and the honeyguide each get a yummy snack.




Honey badger babies are called cubs and they are born blind. Honey badgers give birth to their babies one each time. They give birth to live offspring and they reproduce in the month of May.


How many are left?


Honey badgers are endangered because humans hunt what they eat and this causes them to lose their food. Also, some beekeepers kill honey badgers because honey badgers like to eat honey but the beekeepers have found out that honey badgers cannot jump so the beekeepers kept them higher above the ground.


Fun facts


  1. Honey badgers will eat anything
  2. They are very smart animals
  3. They are very solitary animals
  4. Their teeth are very strong and sharp they can break through a tortoises shell and even metal locks that are on our bins
  5. They are very super stinky
  6. They have very long nails
  7. They have very thick skin
  8. They are born blind 


Smack Down: Lion vs Honey Badger

Do you think a Honey Badger can beat a lion in a fight?  The honey badger is only one pound but it is tremendously fierce. Lions are very fierce and it can bring down animals bigger than itself. The honey badger can also bring down bigger animals including cheetahs, hyenas, and leopards. Lions are very strong but they can’t kill a honey badger. If a lion meets a honey badger, the honey badger will attack without hesitation. The honey badger will win!




Honey badgers are smaller than a lion, but they sure are fantastic animals!








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