Climate Change


Climate Change

Have you noticed the overall temperature on Earth has been rising over the past few decades?  Well that is climate change and we humans are mostly to blame for it.  Climate change is the gradual change in the Earth’s average temperature and weather patterns.  This essay will describe how climate change is causing the rise in the Earth’s temperature, how climate change can cause some very wild weather, and how we can reduce the amount of greenhouse gasses that is released in the air.


Climate change is the rise in the Earth’s temperature.  This is caused by burning fossil fuel we use when we drive our cars and when we produce electricity.  Fossil fuel releases greenhouse gasses that trap the sun’s heat in the atmosphere.  These gasses act like a blanket increasing the Earth’s temperature.  According to the video Let’s Talk About Climate Change, “This rise in temperature affects weather patterns all over the globe, and that’s climate change.”


Climate change can cause some very wild weather.  Earth is getting hotter, making temperatures sky rocketing.  Hurricanes are also getting worse bringing heavier rains and winds.  People also need to flee their homes because of dangerous floods. It is also harder to grow crops because of the extreme weather.  According to the Scholastic News article 5 Big Questions About Extreme Heat, “Most climate scientists agree that these types of weather events can be linked to climate change.”


There are many ways we can reduce the amount of greenhouse gasses that are released in the air.  One way is we can start driving less by riding a bike or taking the public transportation system instead.  We can use less fossil fuels to generate electricity by installing more solar panels.  People should also turn down the thermostat during winter.  According to the video Let’s Talk About Climate Change, “If we take small steps like these, we can slow down the effects of climate change.”


The effects of climate change have to slow down immediately.  If not, climate change will create a lot of more extreme weather patterns.  Animals, plants, and even humans may go extinct.  Some humans are trying their best to slow down the effects of climate change but we need everyone to.

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