Category Archives: Uncategorized

Male vs Female Professional Sports

Imagine reading an article saying Women Finally Get Equal Pay In Sports.  You wonder why it just happened now.  Women have been getting paid less in the same sport as men.  Some people believe that women should be paid the same as men.  Others think they should not be paid the same.  In my opinion, I believe it is only fair that women should be paid the same as men for the same sport because in some sports, women bring in more money than men, and some women’s sport games are more exciting than men.

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Future Technology





Driving 8 hours from San Diego to San Francisco is really exhausting to a lot of people.  Well a Hyperloop can change that.  It can get there in only 45 minutes.  A Hyperloop runs through a tube carrying cargo and people at very high speeds.  In this essay I will talk about what a Hyperloop is, how it works, and the benefits.

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Climate Change


Climate Change

Have you noticed the overall temperature on Earth has been rising over the past few decades?  Well that is climate change and we humans are mostly to blame for it.  Climate change is the gradual change in the Earth’s average temperature and weather patterns.  This essay will describe how climate change is causing the rise in the Earth’s temperature, how climate change can cause some very wild weather, and how we can reduce the amount of greenhouse gasses that is released in the air.

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A Jacket Made Out Of Mucus



Would you wear a jacket made out of mucus?   A sea creature could provide inspiration to scientists to invent new materials better than what we have today.   This is called biomimicry.  Biomimicry is taking inspiration from nature and taking what we learned and putting them in our own inventions.  This essay will describe how scientists took inspiration from Hagfish,  an elephant trunk, and the pitcher plant to make new inventions and materials. 

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A Deadly Storm


A Deadly Storm


Imagine being thrown off the bed by a hurricane during the night.  This could happen if you are in the path of a hurricane.  Hurricanes are powerful storms that can harm people, plants, and animals.  In this essay I am going to talk about how a hurricane is a powerful storm, how scientists know how deadly a hurricane is, and how to get prepared.

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The Play


Narrator:  Ryan Washington

Thomas Adams: Younger sibling

David Adams: Older sibling

Mom: Thomas Adams and David Adams mom

Dad: Thomas Adams and David Adams father

Setting: Bear Bread store (Bread store)

Curtains open and Narrator bows to the audience, excited people buying bread through the window.

Narrator: It is almost 10:00 in the morning and the Adams family is buying bread at the Bear Bread store.  The Adams are buying wheat bread, bagels, sourdough, and white bread.  But they are not buying Thomas favorite bread, French bread.  He is trying to make his mom and dad buy French bread but every time they go to Bear Bread they never buy him French bread.  Will his parents buy him French bread?  Will he win the war?  (The narrator leaves the stage)

(David Adams opens the door to the Bear Bread shop) Continue reading

Civil Wars Generals

[0:00]  Do you know some important generals that played a great role in the Civil War?  Well in this live stream we are going to learn about three generals that did that.  Hello everyone,  and welcome to today’s episode on History: In real Time.  My name is Shepard Smith and I am dangerously located in the Civil War era.

[19:02] In fact, I am streaming live from the battle of Gettysburg.  Every second I can hear gunshots and I can feel the sun scorching on my back.  I am here to talk about three important generals.  We are going to learn about Ulysses S. Grant, Robert E.Lee, and Stonewall Jackson.  Some people don’t know this but they were the best generals in the civil war. Continue reading