The Play


Narrator:  Ryan Washington

Thomas Adams: Younger sibling

David Adams: Older sibling

Mom: Thomas Adams and David Adams mom

Dad: Thomas Adams and David Adams father

Setting: Bear Bread store (Bread store)

Curtains open and Narrator bows to the audience, excited people buying bread through the window.

Narrator: It is almost 10:00 in the morning and the Adams family is buying bread at the Bear Bread store.  The Adams are buying wheat bread, bagels, sourdough, and white bread.  But they are not buying Thomas favorite bread, French bread.  He is trying to make his mom and dad buy French bread but every time they go to Bear Bread they never buy him French bread.  Will his parents buy him French bread?  Will he win the war?  (The narrator leaves the stage)

(David Adams opens the door to the Bear Bread shop)

Mom: Now Thomas we are only going to buy wheat bread, bagels, sourdough, and white bread.

Thomas Adams: Okay Mom but you know that I love French Bread.

Mom: I know! (With an angry face)

(As they collected the wheat bread and the bagels Thomas sees the French bread aisle this is when the WAR starts)

Thomas: Mom I see the French Bread can I buy a loaf

Mom: NO! Son have I not told you that we are not here to buy you FRENCH BREAD.

David Adams: Come on mom why not buy him his loft so he won’t get all mad.

Dad: If your mom says No then it is No.

Thomas Adams: But dad it’s not like French bread costs a MILLION DOLLARS

David Adams: Yeah dad every time we go to Bear Bread shop you have never ever bought Thomas a loaf of French bread.

Mom: If we buy Thomas a loaf of bread then he can’t talk to his friends for a WEEK

(Narrator steps on the stage) Narrator: As you can see Thomas is so upset and mad at his parents but he will keep getting that way unless his brother will help him win the war.

David Adams: Mom and dad just buy Thomas a loaf of bread so we won’t start a huge fight over just a loaf of bread. Thomas deserves French Bread. He has been doing well in school.

Mom: No! Even if he is doing well in school we are wasting our money on French Bread. We could be buying something more useful, something that we all need. If Thomas wants to buy something for him he would have to pay for it

Thomas Adams: YOU never give us any money!

Dad: Yes! We do son and I agree with your mom.

Thomas Adams: Yeah like every week and you only give us five cents.

David Adams: Thomas is right and beside bread only costs five dollars.

Dad: You are the right son but if you keep taking side with Thomas then you won’t be able to see your friends for a year and we won’t buy you anything for a year and  we won’t make you your favorite dinners any more.

Thomas: If you don’t buy me my FRENCH BREAD NOW then I break everything in the house except mine and David’s toys.

Mom: okay that’s it if you say another word then we will be going home and both of you won’t be able to see your friends for the REST OF YOUR LIFE. (Mom screams so loud her screams sound so loud as a lion roaring)

(The narrator steps back on the stage) Narrator: Now Thomas and David are having a huge punishment on the table. Do you think Thomas will still get his loaf of bread?

Dad: Now sons we love you so much but you guys need to learn the understanding of money. Both me and your mom work eight hours a day for just twenty dollars. If we buy Thomas his bread it’s like five dollars going down the drain. We could buy something else that we all like. Maybe we could buy you your guys favorite dessert today if you stop arguing with your mother and I.

Thomas Adams: No! Even if you buy us dessert I still won’t be happy. I have been a good buy since right now and I have aced all of my tests this school year. I won’t give up until I get what I want.


Dad: Stop yelling or we will be kicked out of the Bear Bread shop.

David: THIS IS IT! WHY DO WE HAVE TO SHOUT! Just give Thomas his loaf of bread and we will stop arguing with you and Thomas will not keep asking you for a loaf of bread. Right Thomas?

Thomas: I guess so (Thomas muttered)

(The narrator steps back on the stage) Narrator: With all this yelling, Adams will be kicked out of Bear Bread shop and Thomas mom and dad will still not budge to buy him his favorite bread of all time. With all this yelling will Thomas win the war?

Mom: I AM STILL NOT GOING TO BUY HIM HIS BREAD HE WILL HAVE TO PAY FOR IT (Mom had an angry face like a charging bull)

Dad: Honey stop yelling right now if I would have to pick a side I would pick Thomas’s side right now because of all this yelling and if you get us kicked out of Bear Bread shop then you would have to buy us all the bread we need for a year.

Mom: Okay I will stop yelling and I will buy Thomas his loaf of bread.

Thomas: Thank you mom, dad, and especially David thank you for helping me win the bread war

(All the Adams laughed.)

Dad: Well since we all had a happy ending so I have decided to treat you all for honey.

Narrator: We all like happy endings, don’t we? Well at least Thomas got a loaf of bread. I wish I was them right now eating down all of the sweet honey. Well mom and dad learned a lesson today: It is okay to buy their sons something they want once and a while.

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