A Fun Day of Learning

First, when I got to school I saw all of my friends standing next to the gate where we enter the school playground.  All of my friends were waiting at the gate because we can only enter the school after 7:45 AM.  We were all wearing short sleeve shirts and shorts because today was going to be the hottest day of the week.  I said bye to my mom and dad while we waited for the bell to ring. Then I talked to my friend about Pokémon cards.  I have over 150 Pokémon cards and my favorite one is mega Charizard EX.   Then, our librarian came to open the gate and we stopped talking about Pokémon cards and went near the gate to wait for the bell to ring. RING! RING! RING! The bell rang and we all ran as fast as a cheetah to our classroom.  We like to run because we want to be the first one there so we can play with the Magna-Tiles. This is one of our favorite actives to play with while we wait for school to start. You can build anything you want to make houses, rockets, pyramids, and cubes.  I will write a review of the Magna-Tiles in a post on another day. 

RING! RING! RING!  The bell rang again and that means we have to stand in line and get ready for school. Our teacher came to open the door and she told us to read for 15 minutes. She first gave us hand sanitizer and we went to our book box where we keep our books and where we keep our school work.  We sat down at our desks then a voice from the speaker came on and it told us to say the Pledge of Allegiance.  After we finished saying the Pledge of Allegiance, our teacher said to read our books and to be quiet. I was reading the A-Z Mystery Talking T-Rex.  One day, I may write a review of this book and tell you what I like and don’t like about this book. Next, our teacher told us to read from our Wonders book and to complete a reading response.  A reading response is where we have to read a short book and answer questions about the book.  The story we were reading today was about Thomas Edison.   Our teacher also said that we could read with a partner and to complete the reading response by our self.  My partner and I sat down on the floor and read together.  The story told us how Thomas Edison tried new ideas to build the light bulb and how it make an impact in our world.  The reading response today was what made the story a biography and what inventions made an impact to our life.  Since I finished early, the teacher told me I could do a reading choice.  A reading choice is where you get to read a book or read on Epic, which is a reading app.  I first got my chrome book and sat down on the floor.  I logged in and I read about tigers on Epic.  The book was about what tigers eat and their cubs. RING! RING! RING! That means it was time to go out for recess. I went outside to get a football from our ball cart.  My friends and I went to the grass area to play football.  My friends and I split into two teams and I played quarterback for both teams.  First, one of my friends kicked off and my other friend got the ball and ran about 10 yards before he stepped out of bounds.  Then I got the ball and handed off to my friend and he ran the ball into the end zone for a touchdown.  We continued to play until recess was over. After recess, our teacher told us to finish our tooth story which I already did.  She also told us that if we were done we were able to do another reading choice.  I got my chrome book again to write a book about animals.  I sat down on the floor and my friends asked me what I was doing.  I told them I was writing a book about animals and they asked if they could help me.  I told them if they wanted to help, they would have to write a story about any animals and add some pictures.  They could also find animal facts on an app called Duckster.  One of my friends was going to write about tigers and penguins.  Another friend was going to write about lions and whales.  Then I told them I was going to write about cheetahs and komodo dragons.  RING! RING! RING!  That means it is time for lunch.  All of my classmates walked outside and we grabbed our lunch boxes.  Then my friends and I ran to the grass area to eat our lunch.  My mom packs my lunch every day and today she packed a sunflower seed butter and jam sandwich.  After lunch, I played a football game with my friends.  I was the quarterback and I pretended to be my favorite quarterback, Patrick Mahomes.  He throws amazing passes and he is also a great runner.  After lunch, our teacher gave us a line plot test. A line plot shows you information along a number line.      After I finished the test, I read the A-Z Mystery Talking T-Rex.  RING! RING! RING! This is the final bell for the day and that means it is time to go home.  I learned a lot today in school and had lots of fun learning and playing with my friends.  Tomorrow will be another great day of learning and I can’t wait to find out all the new things we will learn.  I hope you had a great day as well.  Let me know in the comments below if you did anything exciting today.



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